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Global Coffee Festival to connect 12 cities over 12 hour live stream

Coffee goes international this October at the Global Coffee Festival hosted in twelve different cities to help reignite the hospitality economy during Covid-19. The virtual event will broadcast more than 30 events non-stop over twelve hours hosting talks, debates and training to coffee enthusiasts watching at home. The inaugural online festival has been curated by event company Allegra in response to the pandemic, as their face-t0-face coffee festivals were postponed around the world. It takes place on Friday 30 October from noon until midnight, with the GCF Fringe from 31 October to 1 November, providing trade attendees the chance to host a live event through their feed. Viewers will be transported to numerous cities including London, Milan, Paris, New York,...

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Capsule Time

How will the growing popularity of in-home capsule systems affect our relationship with high street coffee shops? Sales of in-home coffee systems boomed during lockdown, as millions of people were furloughed or worked from home. This article looks briefly at the development of the coffee capsule (or pod) and examines some of the issues that arise out of using these systems before speculating on the long-term effects of this trend on our industry. A Half Century of Development Lavazza introduced the capsule concept in 1989 with the launch of Espresso Point, a home and small office system that still enjoys wide distribution today.By the mid nineties, Nespresso had launched, and the Keurig system started to gain distribution in the US...

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The Olive Trees of Puglia

There are 60 million olive trees in Puglia. That equates to 15 trees per head of population in the region. Olive oil is central to the Cucina Povera of Southern Italy, where family growers consider care of the trees to be part of their cultural heritage. Unfortunately, the olive trees of Puglia are under threat from a bacterial infection called Xylella Fastidiosa, which is carried from tree to tree by small insects. One sixth of Puglia’s olive trees are infected with the bacterium, which causes the olive tree to dry up and stop producing olives. Trees are being culled and extensive research is being carried out in an effort to combat the spread of the disease. You can read more...

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A Brief History of the Modern Coffee Shop

‘I have great respect for the past. If you don't know where you've come from, you don't know where you're going’. Maya Angelou As coffee shops strive to adapt to the challenges posed by Covid and post-Covid behaviour, it might be useful to look at the factors that contributed to the modern phenomenon that is the UK coffee shop. I spoke to some stalwarts of the industry who played a major role in the development process and have tried to reflect their different perspectives below. Back To The Future Andy Fawkes of Masteroast spoke to me about the environment preceding the coffee revolution in the UK. There had been a false dawn in the sixties, with the brief flowering of Italian...

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New Piano Coffee Premium Colombian Nespresso™ Compatible Capsules

Single Origin Colombian Pure Arabica Beans Fairtrade Organic Recyclable Reliable Our single origin Colombian Nespresso™ Compatible capsules have been carefully created to satisfy the most discerning espresso drinker. Our Colombian Blend We have selected a co-operative from the region of Tolima, which has a perfect microclimate in terms of soil and altitude to enable us to produce an espresso of character and distinction. Isolated until relatively recently, Tolima still grows coffee on small farms producing micro-lots. The traditionally processed green beans are then shipped to our carbon-neutral roastery partner in the UK. After quality control checks, they are slowly roasted to our specification and immediately packed into capsules to ensure we capture delicate flavour profile of the freshly-roasted beans. Taste...

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